Thursday, February 28, 2013

Yearly Memories - Part 2

15. The Wisconsin Dells.  We got to go on a family trip to the Dells with Rian's family for their 40th wedding anniversary.  I had heard of the Dells, but never had been there.  It was awesome!  Yes, it is a tourist town.  Yes, there are waterparks in every hotel.  Yes, there are candy stores and cheese stores all over town. Yes, I loved it.

16.  Cam loves swimming now.  Apparently all it takes is for your Grandparents to tell you swimming is fun, and then you love it!  Cam became a swimmer on this trip and hasn't looked back.

17.  40th Anniversary Party.  Rian's parents have been married for 40 years!  My sis-in-law and I planned a little party at a restaurant in the Dells.  We had t-shirts made and made a GIANT shutterfly book full of 40 years of memories.  It was perfect.

18.  My parents and Noah were in Chicago while we were at the Dells, and dropped by for a day to go to a waterpark with us.  It led to one of the single cutest pictures of the past year.  Cam and Noah passed out after hours of swimming.

19.  Olympics.  I live and die for the Olympics.  This year was an amazing Olympics, and it was so fun having a child who now understands how to cheer and the glory of victory!  He loved the swimming as much as I did, and we were especially excited for Missy Franklin who is from Colorado!  Also, we have sung the "Star Spangled Banner" EVERY NIGHT since then.  I am not kidding.  It is his lullabye.

20.  New York and the US Open.  This was on our bucket list, and we finally made it happen.  It was worth every penny.  We watched a ton of tennis, and explored NYC in the summer.  It was amazing.  Amazing.

21.  Twin's Finally Walk....and it was while we were in NYC!  We came home to two little toddlers walking up to us and saying hi.  It was a great surprise and made the sting of lost luggage fade away.

22.  The Sphinx.  Cameron's soccer team for the fall were named the Sphinx.  It is the worst team name ever.  But it was so fun!  Cam, of course, enjoyed pretending like he was a jet airplane and zooming all over the field more than actually playing soccer.  But, he wants to play again this spring, so he liked it!

23.  Twins at the Aquarium.  After the twins were able to walk, we took them to the zoo and let them walk through the tunnel on their own.  They loved it and it made for some great photos.

24.  Halloween.  Cam was a shark.  Collin was a raccoon.  Casey was an owl.  Can it get any cuter?

25.  Family Pics.  We got to get professional pics done with both sides of our family in the fall.  I love professional pics, and these two sets were no exception.  If I could, I would get them done 4 times per year.



26.  Meagan's 1st Birthday.  My little niece turned one and I made her an epic bumble bee tutu.  It was adorable.  Adorable.
27.  Cam's Christmas Program.  Cam practiced and practiced and told me all about his Christmas program.  But the day of the program, I had to pretend like I didn't know anything about it, because he wanted it to be surprise.  He wanted to look "handsome", so he wore his bowtie.  Obvi.  I love that kid.

28.  Santa.  You do not know excitement until you have a four year old leading up to Christmas.  Santa was EPIC!  Cameron was so excited and the first thing he said when he went down the stairs Christmas morning was "Oh my stars!"  Too cute.

29.  The bangs.  I got bangs in November.  I love them and hate them.  I get a good response from most people, but I am already ready to grow them out.  I can't imagine heavy hair on my forehead through the summer in Omaha.

30.  March of Dimes.  Right after we moved here I volunteered with the March of Dimes in an effort to get out of the house and meet new people.  That one little volunteer job has taken me far!  I am now the Family Team Chairman (a pretty busy volunteer job), and have been on TV.  TWICE!  I can't believe it, and I love it.  And I made a friend!!!!!  Watch me on TV HERE!

31.  Dance Parties.  We like music and like to dance, and we want our kids to like it too.  They do.  We have frequent dance parties, but I would have to say, Collin enjoys them the most. Check him out in the video below, especially at the 15 second mark.  That's some moves!

32.  These guys.

Cam the Hipster


33.  Moving to Homaha (the single biggest event that has happened to us).  "Why is it a favorite memory?" some of you may ask.  Maybe it isn't a memory, but it has allowed almost all of the memories with Rian to happen.  By moving to Homaha, we have got to spend TONS of time together.  And that my friends, is the best memory of the year, seeing my family together more often than not. 

1 comment:

  1. Love it!! What great pictures and memories! Happy Birthday
